Mistrovství Victorie – Tereénní triatlon – Dirt Fest Victoria

Getting into the dirt and hardcore I grabbed an amazing chance to join the Bernard Riders team and head to Victoria for my first big off road event „Dirt Master of Victoria“ and off road triathlon state championship. To become a Dirt Master of Victoria

 I needed to compete in off road triathlon on Saturday morning, 8 km trail run Saturday afternoon and 50 km mtb race on Sunday and not just compete but also possibly finish top three. Here is Saturday morning, I feel good and strong and when the start blast kicked us into the water I took the plunge and went hard from the beginning.

I was making sure that I won´t have to look at someones back and so I didn´t. Coming first out of the water I jumped on my bike and enjoyed the perfect single tracks built especially for this event.

 Surprisingly my bike enjoyment turned to big lead and I didn´t have to stress much on the run. I came first overall and become Victoria state champion. But that was just the beginning. After good coffee and recovery beer I was on the start line again. This time for 8 km trail run.

 I was pumped up to go hard again so first kilometer I was following on guy, obviously very good runner and it was big mistake as I burned all my energy too early and than it was struggle, but it was good struggle as I finished 2nd overall and first from the Dirt master contenders.

Getting ready to squeeze in the back of my Ford to get some sleep I was awarded one night stay in five star resort,hmmm why not. After enjoying the luxury of the bed and good dinner I woke up into another day with sore legs, but ready to fight and so I did.

50 km mtb race, start line, boom, 200m run to our bikes, fast sprint to fight for places at the front of the pack. It was a race for 6 laps. I went to the lead in the middle of first lap leaving all others behind. Second lap getting more gap. Third lap getting more gap.

But whoops, fourth lap the hills seems to be bit longer and steeper. Fifth lap I am running out of water and very soon out of everything. The hills are just steep gates to the hell and I´m having big problems to stay in the saddle. Getting dizzy, hungry, thirsty, tired I am going for the last 6th lap with hope to somehow survive.

Riding in the speed of old granny I am passed by two other bikers. And here comes the finish line, I couldn´t be more happy. I don´t care about anything, just give me food and more food and something to drink.

When I got out of agony I was celebrating overall title of Dirt Master of Victoria. And what dirty stuff is coming next? Xterra New Zealand Championship following by Australian Championship in Queensland.


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