World Champs Maui – Xterra 2013

Aloha here, aloha there, aloha everywhere. Xterra World championship on Maui is over. I came nine days in advance to suck the hawaiian sun and get used to the local vibez. Just to make sure that I won´t make local Gods angry I slept on the ground (well in the tent) to get in touch with them and they accepted me.
So I just relaxed, drank coconut water, ate pineapples and trained little bit. Day before the race I was expecting at least some small nature disaster (last year it was tsunami) but nothing came so no fun before.
9Sunday 9 am, boooooooom, the start canon almost made me deaf, it scared me so much that I pushed to the front like raging toro. Suprisingly teh Ocean was calm as a pond in the Czech republic, no waves no fun. So I had to just push hard while swimming.
The result was going out of water on 8thposition, not bad. I jumped on my bike and pushed hard…mistake….soon I was puffing like a old train and I waqs suffering, it was up up and up. The sun decided that it will show us its full strenght, wind remained somewhere far far above the Ocean and didn´t come to help to fight the heat.
I felt like frying egg. In the second half of the bike course I started to feel much better and I started pushing hard again.Last 10km it was tons of fun on singletracks, left, right, up, down, left, right,up,down……The plan was to come off the bike with still half fuel for the run and it actually happened.
I felt like Usain running out of transition area, but after 500 m Usain was done and I was suffering again, first half was just uphill and just boiling with heat, not good. But than I realised that it is just only psychological problem so I put myself together, switch the brain to the save mode (screensaver)…..and here we go, I ran fast again and I past another five competitors.
I finished 21st in Elite category, so far my best result at the Worlds and I am happy with that. After the race just chillaxing came, I switched coconut water for beer and was enjoying the sun and Ocean finally. Now another part of my mission is coming – Canada and Yukon Arctic Ultra. Stay tuned