Summer in the Czech

After summer in Australia I headed to Europe, Czech Republic, place called home. But there was no time to relax and the next day after I arrived I laid foundation stone of my future bar. It took me 28 days of hard labour work, lots of mistakes, lots of injuries and lots of nerves, but I successfully finished and now I am proudly taping the beer (yeah of course Bernard and enjoying working behind the bar.
Anyway, after I finsihed the work at bar I returned to the hard training routine again with the biggest goal of season – World Championship held on Maui October 28th. First I started with smaller races to get some confidence and I was collecting victories.
First big event was Xterra World cup in Prachatice, Czech Republic. Prachatice is beautiful town called „gate to Sumava mountains“. For me it was „gate to hell“, I was warned that it is going to be hard, but I had no idea what is coming on. Swim 1,2km, easy part for me and I got out of water on the 4thplace in the leading group.
Awaited lost of lead group came soon and I was fighting through 36 km tough mtb course. Hills and hills and hills, steep hills that pushed everyone off the bike to their feet and walking was on the scene………..and it was endless, but at the end the end came and I arrived to transition area on the 21stposition.
Run was like bike through the copy paper. Long climbs that had no end and my legs were getting into strike revolution. Well, I finished 20th and I have to say I am happy with that as I couldn´t push harder. Week after Xterra European Champiosnhip in Germany, Zittau.
This time I tapered bit better and I felt much better. Coming out of water also in the front of the racing field and finally I was enjoying the bike. Also very hilly and some very technically sections on the bike. The goal was to stay fresh after bike and it happened so I was pushing very hard on the run and was chasing top 15.
At the end I finished 16th in Elite which made me very happy. It is a good sign that I am slowly getting into shape. What is coming next? Czech cup in Xterra, few smaller races and at the begining of October I am heading to Canada to Squamish to taper for Hawaii and to say hi to my good friends.
After Hawaii I am heading back to Australia for the summer again to do more and more training. But first I have to stand two more weeks behind the bar and drink beer which makes me „very very sad“