Xterra Czech – Prachatice

Xterra world tour „train“ stopped in the middle of Europe in really wonderful place Prachatice, Czech Republic, race I didn`t want to miss. Last year I pushed too hard on the bike and hardly survived the run, this year I knew what to do – top world xterra  athletes were ready on the start line and I knew I need to be faster than them .

Xterra Prachatice 2013-Jan Venca Francke

Swim 1,5km – I am probably still pumping  a „swim talent“  from my early years . Because with not much swimming I felt good and for a while accepted  pace of Ozzie star Ben Allen, he showed me who is the master and in second 750m lap I could just watch his blue swim cap from far behind, but I was coming out of water on the second place. Pumped up for bike fight

Xterra Prachatice 2013-Jan Venca Francke-bike

Bike 36km – If I have talent for swim I definitely don`t have talent for bike, it means that to be fast on the bike I need to train hard on the bike…..well, at least I have got space to improve:) Long, hilly and hard bike course with nice and technical downhills.

But, there is always some but so for me it was 3rd kilometer….downhill….jump over the stone….landing right on the edge of stone….ssssssssssss……here we go, flat tire……one, two three, five, six, ten, girls,and more are passing me while I am changing the tire.

Done and I am pushing through the bike course again, angry with myself that I didn`t put on tubeless tires before. I came to the transition around 24th place with still enough taste to hammer the run and I did. Difficult 10km run and light legs were my advantage and I was the 18th athlete under the finish arch. Well for world cup and flat tire not so bad, but who is interested in 18th position .


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